
2217 Jane St, Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Active #1681308
South SidePittsburgh School DistrictAllegheny County
Duplex0.06 Acres2 Units
Tremendous duplex in the heart of South Side, this duplex is so good, so well built, I mean they don't build them like this anymore. Strong, strong like the drinks at Cupkas Cafe. And the money, you'll make so much money, it'll be beautiful, beautiful. 1st floor was just renovated, they did a great great job, top of the line stuff. 2nd floor has 2 huge bedrooms, not as big as my bedrooms of course but pretty huge. and the parking! let me tell you about the parking, so much parking. And no one else can park there it's all yours and if someone else wants to park there you know what I say,!
Presented By412 Properties
General Information
Gross Annual Income 25200
Lot Size 0.0551
Taxes $2,000
Zoning MULTI


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Listing courtesy of CARLSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.

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